Reality and the success of community empowerment as a Reflection Through the technical assessment P2DTK Program Phase 1
Speaking about the success of a program of community empowerment can be seen in performance indicators between output and outcome achievement of the targeted programs and utilazation level of results that have been built with the efficiency and effectiveness of development so that when the evaluation of success can be measured with standard benchmarks clear.
To alleviate poverty and propors root development has not been equitable distribution and limitations of the reach of government to achieve territorial unity of the Republic of Indonesia is so vast and the island nation is one way to achieve equitable development and to touch the poor in the area terpencii travel through empowerment programs community-based national community empowerment in nasional. .Program empowerment program consists of rural communities, urban and empowerment of disadvantaged areas as the core program as well as other support programs.
Each program is designed community empowerment and has a broad range of desire to be achieved and there is public participation with moving participatory pattern approach without abandoning the principles of democracy to speak freely but in discuss speak through deliberations in solving problems that occur in their community problems together to find solutions to remedy appropriate in accordance with the basic needs of the expectation of significant changes from the issue at hand.
The desire and expectation of government that the people directly touched Development can be realized with the planning of community development approach to society from the point of planning to the implementation of activities is a breakthrough step change the mindset of the government directed the construction of its own will but the people planning it according to the needs and culture area, so developement already built rather than a monument that does not exist utilazation and a sense of ownership and awareness (Senses Belonging).
P2DTK program like other community empowerment programs have contributed to national development and its role in empowering the community has the advantage development planning strategy and approach with community involvement in planning through the technical review process and apparatus of the role of capacity building is good planning process through technical review mechanism which is expected after P2DTK program will end any use planning Local Development Budget expenditure to adapt pattern P2DTK program planning.
Reality will be the success of development that have been done by the program during this P2DTK it felt
good community infrastructure developments, health service and improving access to education and quality improvement and management of human resources, especially education and health workers as a form of manifestation of the perpetrator P2DTK program begins the central to area so that later have for the community will still exist despite these shortcomings will be challenges ahead and the learning process for us all give the best contribution to the nation. (NMC P2DTK)
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