Senin, 25 Februari 2019

Dark ne veut pas dire disparaitre

Dark ne veut pas dire disparaître
par Emal Alhaz

De la tache, la fenêtre fixait un faisceau de lumière
qui était silencieux dans l'obscurité
pas de journée sans un sourire qui s'imprime
le son du silence derrière cet espace

vaciller le vent
d'un fan vieillissant
maintenant il est loin de se précipiter vers la millénaire

maintenant je suis seul
bourdonnement dans chaque souffle ce souffle
dit sort qui a passé
entre rêves de beaux rêves

l'obscurité ne veut pas dire disparaître
le soleil brille encore
airs coeur profond
appelle ton nom asma Allah
Allah Akbar
Allah Akbar
Tu es toujours dans mon coeur
jusqu'à chaque fois.

Sabtu, 23 Februari 2019

Model Logistik Dan Peralatan Dalam Kesiapan Pemenuhan Kebutuhan Pasca Bencana

Model  Logistik Dan Peralatan  Dalam Kesiapan Pemenuhan 
Kebutuhan Pasca Bencana
Oleh Ismail
( Ketua Pusat Kajian LP3M ISRA )
Pengelolaan Logistisk  merupakan proses dimulai  dari  bantuan pada saat status bencana alam yang dimulai dari saat kesiapsiagaan,tanggap  darurat sampai pasca bencana alam telah terjadi. Tiga aspek yang penting dalam penyediaan logistik kebencanaan adalah  fungsi tujuan, permintaan dan pendistribusian sehingga penyediaan bantuan dapat dilaksanakan dengan effektif dan efissien dalam rantai pasok logistik melalui dua model  strategy koordinasi  sistem sekretaris bersama dengan pengambilan keputusan kebijakan dan pemanfaatan usaha Ritel yang memiliki distribusi rantai pasok logistik tersistimatis.
                      I.        Pendahuluan
Bencana  alam yang terjadi telah banyak menimbulkan korban jiwa, kerugian harta benda, dan rusaknya prasarana dan sarana publik, serta dampak psikologis yang dalam keadaan tertentu dapat menghambat pembangunan nasional. Sementara itu, waktu untuk bereaksi sangat singkat, sedangkan faktor-faktor risiko sangat tinggi. Penundaan terhadap respon darurat khususnya distribusi bantuan logistik yang tidak lancar dapat menimbulkan dampak yang buruk bagi korban bencana.
Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 24 Tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana, khususnya dalam Pasal 6 dan Pasal 8 telah mengamanatkan bahwa Pemerintah dan Pemerintah Daerah bertanggung jawab dalam penyelenggaraan penanggulangan bencana, yang antara lain adalah memberikan perlindungan pada masyarakat dari dampak bencana, dan pemulihan kondisi dari dampak bencana, termasuk di dalamnya adalah bantuan logistik pada saat status keadaan darurat akan tetapi pelaksanaan  implementasi itu tidak hanya pada darurat bencana namun harus dipikirkan logistik setelah terjadi bencana merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Dan Pengelolaan bantuan logistik dilakukan pada status keadaan darurat dimulai sejak status siaga darurat, tanggap darurat, dan transisi
Logistik dibutuhkan di setiap tahapan kegiatan penanggulangan bencana (PB) baik kesiapsiagaan, tanggap darurat, pemulihan, rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi. Sejak tahun 2009 pemerintah melalui BNPB telah memberikan dukungan Logistik dan Peralatan bagi BPBD Provinsi untuk penguatan kelembagaan dalam rangka kesiapsiagaan dan memberikan bantuan logistik dan peralatan bagi kabupaten / kota yang terkena bencana pada masa tanggap darurat atas usulan BPBD Provinsi. Bantuan kemanusiaan juga diberikan kepada negara yang terkena bencana seperti Pakistan, Haiti dan Jepang.Kegiatan itu merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan peran pemerintah dalam memberikan pertolongan kepada masyarakat.
Pemahaman terhadap kegiatan logistik itu sendiri berasal dari Logistik kemanusiaan (humatarian logistics) atau logistik kebencanaan (disaster logistics) merupakan bagian dari kajian manajemen logistik dan rantai pasok. Karakteristik dari logistik kemanusiaan sudah diuraikan oleh Hadiguna dan Wibowo (2012), Holguin-Veras et. al. (2012) dan Roh et. al. (2013). Berbagai faktor yang dijadikan dasar penjelasan perbedaan antara logistik kemanusiaan dengan logistik komersial mengerucut pada tiga isu utama yaitu fungsi tujuan, permintaan dan pendistribusian. Sebuah sistem logistik kemanusiaan atau kebencanaan diharapkan memperhatikan tiga isu utama ini. Logistik kebencanaan harus menghadapi situasi yaitu volume barang skala besar yang harus dikirimkan, rentang waktu sangat singkat untuk segera melakukan pengiriman dan ketidakpastian terhadap jenis-jenis kebutuhan (Holguin-Veras et. al. 2007). Menurut Mitsotakis dan Kassaras (2010) respons pemberian bantuan harus diterima korban dalam 72 jam pertama setelah gempat terjadi dan 12 jam pertama merupakan masa kritikal yang disebut standard relief time (SRT). Pemerintah atau organisasi nonpemerintah harus secepatnya melakukan penilaian situasi dan mulai mengirimkan bantuan dari depot-depot lokal ke titik-titik permintaan. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa logistik kemanusiaan adalah sebuah masalah yang kompleks.Sehingga dalam  upaya mengukur pencapaian keberhasilan pelaksanaan Manajemen Logistik Penangulangan Bencana  dan menganalisa terhadap  perencanaan dan pelaksanaan penyediaan  bantuan logistik dan peralatan bencana. Logistik memiliki peran penting dalam upaya penanggulangan bencana terutama pada saat prabencana, kesiapsiagaan, dan respon penanganan bencana. Pengelolaan logistik yang efektif, efisien, dan andal menjadi faktor penting dalam penanggulangan bencana. Logistik penanggulangan bencana perlu melibatkan banyak pihak untuk mengurangi risiko dampak bencana. Model  logistik dalam kesiapan pemenuhan  kebutuhan Pasca Bencana merupakan Mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan kegiatan penyediaan logistik dan peralatan bencana pada saat Pasca Bencana yang terjadi di daerah.
                    II.        Metode
metode yang digunakan adalah metode Desk Studi dan Survey lapangan dengan nara sumber yang terkait melalui proses Pemahaman  konsep dimaksud dengan logistik dan peralatan kebencanaan  bertujuan untuk memahami gambaran awal mengenai sistem logistik penanggulang bencana. Pemahaman tersebut meliputi gambaran mengenai fase penyelenggaraan bencana, manajemen rantai pasok bencana, prinsip pemenuhan logistik, proses pemberian logistik, komunikasi serta pengambilan keputusan kemudian dilanjutkan pemilihan literature baik terkait dengan teori maupun kebijakan kebijakan yang selanjutnya survey ke lapangan dan langkah langkah melakukan penelitian
                   III.        Pembahasan
Pemahaman Logistik Dapat Diartikan Sebagai  Dari 2 (Dua) Kegiatan Yaitu Kegiatan Pergerakan (Move) Dan Kegiatan Penyimpanan (Store), Sehingga Ketika  Kedua Kegiatan Itu Telah  Direncanakan Dan Dikendalikan Secara Ketat, Maka  Permasalahan Utama Dari Sebuah  Sistem Logistik Secara Keseluruhan Akan Dapat Terselesaikan Dengan Baik. Dua Kegiatan Utama Tersebut Diurai Menjadi Beberapa Kegiatan Yaitu Pemrosesan Pesanan, Transportasi, Persediaan, Penanganan Barang, Struktur Fasilitas Dan Sistem Informasi Dan Komunikasi. Ketujuh Kegiatan Itu Disebut Juga Sebagai Bentuk Campuran Dari Kegiatan  Logistik Yang Keberadaan Dapat Menjadi  Sistem Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain System). Jika kita mendifinisikan pemahaman tentang logistik itu sendiri dapat diartikan sebagai bentuk dari suatu proses pengadaan ( procurement ), penyimpanan ( store ), dan pengangkutan ( delivery) sesuai dengan jenis, jumlah dan waktu  serta tempat yang dikendaki.Jika difinisi ini dihubungkan dengan kebencanaan maka aktivitas dari kegiatan logistik itu dapat diartikan sebagai berikut;
Dan kebijakan sekretaris bersama atau  dengan koordinator lapangan oleh Badan Nasional Penangulangan Bencana
Terkait dengan pemahaman konsep logistik dan peralatan dengan kebencanaan maka  berdasarkan dengan UU nomor 24 tahun 2007 pasal 26 ayat 2 mengenai penanggulangan bencana menyatakan bahwa setiap orang yang menjadi korban bencana berhak mendapatkan bantuan dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar. Dan menurut peraturan pemerintah Republik Indonesia nomor 22 tahun 2008 tentang pendanaan dan pengelolaan bantuan bencana pasal 28 ayat 1 bahwa bantuan pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar sebagaiaman dimaksud dalam pasal 24 ayat 2, diberikan kepada korban bencana dalam bentuk penampungan sementara, bantuan pangan, sandang, air bersih, sanitasi, dan pelayanan kesehatan. Pemerintah pusat dan daerah berkewajiban memberikan bantuan untuk meringankan penderitaan korban bencana. Bantuan dapat dihimpun dan dikerahkan dari dana APBN, APBD, bantuan dunia usaha, bantuan dari masyarakat di dalam negeri maupun luar negeri.
Menurut UNDRO (Components of disaster preparedness. An Overview of  Disaster Management 2nd Edition ) menyatakan bahwa logistik sangat mempunyai peranan penting pada tahap kesiapsiagaan dalam mengatasi kebencanaan mulai dari tahap penilaian kerentanan, pembuatan perencanaan situasi darurat, pembangunan struktur koordinasi, mobilisasi mekanisme respon, pendidikan dan latihan.Walaupun pada tahap kesiapsiagaan peranan logistik sangat penting akan tetapi logistik dan peralatan sangat memiliki nilai strategi pada rehabilitasi dan rekontruksi
Model strategy dalam Penyediaan logistik dan peralatan pada saat pasca bencana yang dapat dilakukan adalah
a)    Model Strategi Coordinating meet one Table ( Sekretaris Bersama ) adalah suatu model kesiapan semua pihak pengambil keputusan yang secara bersama duduk dalam satu meja yang terkoordinasi oleh satu badan yang mengkoordinir sehingga ketika kondisi gawat darurat semua pihak mengambil keputusan bersama berdasarkan wewenang yang dimiliki.Model Strategy ini sering dilakukan oleh negara negara yang sudah maju terutama negara negara yang tingkat kesiapan sudah sangat terkoordinir antara lembaga lembaga  serta pihak yang berkompeten. Studi Kasus Kesiapan Sidang IMF di Bali  dimana Strategi yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah propinsi Bali dilakukan pada saat simulasi pertemuan Bank Dunia dan IMF  di pulau Bali yang  dihadiri oleh pimpinan dari utusan mancanegara dan Presiden Republik Indonesia  dengan melakukan Koordinasi  bersama dalam satu  meja  ( coordinated to  Meeeting one table ),
Di maksud  dari strategi ini merupakan  secara bersama sama pimpinan dinas yang membuat kebijakan di instansinya melakukan bersama mengambil langkah langkah strategis untuk melakukan secara bersama dalam mengatasi kekurangan masing masing dinas menyediakan logistik dan dan peralatan yang dibutuhkan pada saat event tersebut  dibawah koordinasi  BPBD Provinsi Bali berdasrkan keputusan dari gebernur. Strategi yang dilakukan ini sangat efektif dan effiisen.
b)    Model Strategi Rantai Pasok logistik by Ritel
Kasus bencana mengingatkan kondisi setelah pasca bencana yang mana masyarakat kesulitan mendapatkan pasokan kebutuhan logistik sehingga pada saat itu terjadinya penjarahan disebabkan kesediaan badan penangulangan bencana tidak memiliki kesediaan logistik yang dapat mencukupi korban bencana. Istilah Rantai Pasok logistik sudah dikenal dalam dunia usaha dan telah digunakan dalam kegiatan  logistik kebencanaan.Pengertian Model Intergrasi Rantai Pasok logistik by Ritel  merupakan pemanfaatan usaha usaha ritel yang memiliki jaringan pasokan dan lokasi yang sudah tersebar dimana mana sehingga pada saat terjadinya bencana usaha usaha ritel tersebut sebagai logistik untuk memenuhi pasokan logistik bagi korban bencana alam. Sebagai contoh jaringan ritel Alfarmat dan Indormart yang sudah menyebar keseluruh wilayah indonesia dengan sistem distribusi dan memiliki gudang pasokan tentu saja dapat dimenfaatkan sebagai pemasok korban bencana akan tetapi perlu mekanisme dan sistim perjanjian antara badan penangulangan bencana pola kerjasama dengan usaha ritel tersebut ketika kondisi pasokan dari pusat logistik pusat dan daerah tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan.
semua strategi dan model tyang akan dilaksanakan tentu saja kata kuncinya adalah Efektivitas dan effisiensi dalam melakukan mobilisasi dan implementasi dari penyediaan logistik dan peralatan bencara secara mudah dioperasionalkan, ruang koordinator untuk melakukan sinergitas antar komponen  melalui satu gugus kendali Koneksitas sistim informasi ketersediaan logiatik dan peralatan
                  IV.        Kesimpulan
Logistik dibutuhkan di setiap tahapan kegiatan penanggulangan bencana (PB) baik kesiapsiagaan, tanggap darurat, pemulihan, rehabilitasi dan rekonstruksi
Dan kebijakan sekretaris bersama  atau coordinated to  Meeeting one table dengan koordinator lapangan oleh Badan Nasional Penangulangan Bencana  dan strategi pengembangan Rantai Pasok logistik dengan kerjasama pelaku ritel (Model Intergrasi Rantai Pasok logistik by Ritel ) lebih sangat Effisien dan Efektif pada saat kondisi bencana yang akses logistiknya belum memadai. 
1.    Peraturan Kepada BNPB Tentang Pedoman Manajemen Logistik Dan Peralatan Penanggulangan Bencana No 13 Tahun 2008,BNPB,jakarta
2.    Dr. Zaroni, CISCP., CFMP, 2017, Manajemen Logistik Penanggulangan Bencana (Bagian 2),Jakarta
3.    Chomilier, B., Samii, R. and van Wassenhove, L. (2003) The central role of supply chain management at IFRC, Forced Migration Review, 18, 18-19.
4.    Kovács, G. and Spens, K.M. (2007) Humanitarian logistics in disaster relief operations, International Journal of Physical, 37, 2, 99-114
5.    Ozdamar. et. al. 2004. Emergency Logistics Planning in Natural Disasters. Annals Of Operation Research 129: 217-245

Towards Independent Coastal Areas As Forms Maritime development

Towards Independent Coastal Areas As Forms
Maritime development
Ismail Ahmad
(Ketua Pusat Kajian LP3M ISRA


( The coastal area and its natural resources have a strategic meaning to the development of the Indonesian economy, because the positioning of the coast that has marine resources is one of the pillars of the national economy. The independence of coastal villages can be developed as mangrove forest as a place of marine wealth, management system for seawater distillation as drinking water to provide access to drinking water services, development of coastal ponds as a place for making salt and village tourism or village fishermen. Coastal village independence The existence of respobilitiy and sense of belonging and and the support of the village community to carry out coastal village development activities builds independence with awareness of behavior change)
                                                        I.            Background

Indonesia As A Region That Has A Very Wide Area Comprising Land And Sea, As An Archipelagic Country That Has More Than 17,508 Islands And Along Coasts Of 81,000 Km And Sea Area Approximately 3.1 Million Km 2 This Causes Coastal Areas In Indonesia To Have Many Potentials Natural Resources that must be managed. Because of the Wealth of Natural Resources, We Must Maintain Sustainability and Use It in a Planned, Balanced and Responsible manner so that it can Preserve the Environment and Improve the Welfare of its People. So From That It Is Needed A Policy To Organize The Management Of Coastal Areas In Indonesia Which Also Must Pay Attention To Its Geographical Conditions, Social-Culture, The Biggest Aspect Of Potential And Also The Role Of The Surrounding Communities.
Very Large Sea Potential. However, So far The Sea Potential Has Not Been Utilized Properly In Improving National Welfare In General, And Its Special Foreign Exchange Income. In fact, Most of the Utilization of the Sea During This Is Just "Running" Or "Stolen" Into Foreign Affairs By Foreign Fishermen Who Have Modern Equipment And Operate Until Indonesian Waters Illegally. In Context This Is The Maximum Effort To Use The Indonesian Sea Not Just Right But Also A Must. The question that arises is what is the use of the sea? It Should Be The Use Of The Sea That Can Give The Most Benefits To Sustainable Communities. In This Context Collaboration In Managing The Potential Of Such Resources Is Very Necessary, Because The Desired Is Not Only An Increase Of Marine Utilization Results, But Also The Utilization Equity Enjoyed By The Community
The Coastal Area Is A Unique And Special Cirri Region So In The Context Of Landscapes, The Coastal Area Is A Place To Meet The Land And Ocean. Furthermore, Coastal Areas Are Important Areas Viewed From Various Viewpoints of Planning and Management. The Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Bill Defines Coastal Areas as Transitional Regions that Connect Land Ecosystems and Marine Ecosystems Located Between the Landline Limits to the Highest Tide and Towards the Sea As far as the Effect of Activities from Mainland. Coastal Areas Have High Economic Values, but are Sustainably Endangered. With Unique Potential And Economic Value So Coastal Areas Are Faced With High Threats, So Coastal Areas Should Be Handled Specifically In Order For This Region To Be Managed On A Sustainable basis
To illustrate the importance of the coastal area, it is necessary to reconstruct a village development plan that has independence through improving and structuring infrastructure to support success in development starting from the periphery. The Village Law No 6 of 2014 mandates that the development of village independence in planning development is given greater authority by the central government. Therefore a module for the model of maritime village development in outermost villages is needed as a guideline for planning the central government and special regions of the regions consisting of islands and remote islands

                                                      II.            Methodologyi

To examine understanding of coastal areas and maritime approaches and methodologies used are the approach of the Desk Study Method, Survey Method, and the Interview Method (in-depth interview). The three methods can be explained as follows: Through the Desk Study the data and information will be analyzed to provide a preliminary description of the coastal area and potential resources as well as from maritime aspects that affect the socio-economic community along the coastal area. And from this aspect there is a comparison between the suitability of cultural culture, skills and education that will influence the way in which the coastal villages stagnate themselves.
In addition to using the Desk method, the survey method means having a critical observation / investigation to get clear and good information on a problem in villages in the coastal areas and how to build a model of an independent maritime area so that the purpose of the survey itself is to represent a picture the target area or region of study correctly. A survey will not examine all individuals in a population, but the expected results must be able to describe the nature of the population concerned. (Muhammad Musa and Nurfitri, Research Methodology, Fajar Agung, Jakarta 1988, p. 8).

                                                    III.            Study Results
According to Dahuri stated that the coastal area is a meeting area between land and sea, with a boundary towards land covering parts of land, both dry and submerged in water which still has the influence of marine properties such as sea wind, pasangsurut, and seawater / intrusion, and characterized by vegetation typical, while the sea boundary covers the outer part or boundary of the continental shelf, where the characteristics of these waters are still influenced by natural processes that occur on land such as sedimentation and freshwater flow, as well as the processes caused by activities humans on land such as deforestation and pollution (Bengen, 2002). Generally development activities directly or indirectly have a detrimental impact on coastal aquatic ecosystems (Dahuri,, 1996).
Jones & Westmacott (1993) state that coastal areas are determined based on the purpose of their use, which has been administratively marked and is a political and administrative responsibility for its management to be a political and administrative responsibility for its management. For example; handling pollution from the management of seabed resources as an ecosystem based on the area as recreation, waste disposal or transportation
a)      the concept and understanding of the development of maritime villages in coastal areas and outermost islands can not be separated from the understanding of the meaning and meaning contained in the words mentioned above, Noting Law No. 6/1996 In Article 3, the forms of Indonesian waters includeLaut territorial Indonesia adalah jalur laut selebar 12 mil laut diukur dari garis pangkal kepulauan Indonesia,
b)      Islands waters, are all waters that are located on the sides in a straight base line of islands without regard to depth and distance from the coast,
c)       Inland water is all waters which are located on the land side of a low water line from the coasts of Indonesia, including all parts of the waters which are located on the land side on a closing line
Whereas inland waters are waters located at the mouth of the river, the bay with a mouth width of no more than 24 nautical miles and at the port. The general characteristics of the sea and coastal areas can be conveyed as sources of common property resources, so that the area has a public function / public interest, an open access regime, allowing anyone to use space for various interests, and the sea of character "Fluid", where resources (marine biota) and hydrooceanography dynamics cannot be partitioned / dikapling. While Coastal is a strategic area because it has a system that is relatively easy to develop and has very good access (by utilizing the sea as an "infrastructure" of movement and resource areas whether there is land or sea space needed to meet human needs.Daerah  pesisir dan sumber daya alamnya mempunyai arti yang  strategis terhadap  pengembangan ekonomi Indonesia, because coastal positioning which has marine resources is one of the pillars of the national economy. In addition, the facts that some experts have presented on various occasions also indicate a similar thing. These facts include:
a)     Socially, the coastal area is inhabited by no less than 110 million people or 60% of Indonesia's population who live within a 50 km radius of the coastline. It can be said that this region is the forerunner to the development of Indonesian urbanization in the future.
b)    Administratively approximately 42 City Areas and 181 District Areas are on the coast, where with the presence of regional autonomy each of these autonomous regions has broader authority in processing and utilizing coastal areas.Physically, there are socio-economic service centers that are spread from Sabang to Jayapura, where they contain various Social Overhead Capital and a very large economic and financial value,
c)    Economically, the results of coastal resources have contributed to the formation of the national GDP by 24% in 1989. In addition, in this region there are also various future resources (future resources).
 The relationship between coastal areas and coastal villages for each wilah has different characteristics from villages in the interior. These differences are not solely on geographical-ecological aspects, but also on economic and socio-cultural characteristics. Geographically, coastal villages are on the border between land and sea. Coastal villages have direct access to coastal ecosystems (sand or rocky), mangroves, estuaries, seagrass beds, and coral reef ecosystems. Coastal villages are the foremost land areas that face border areas. Therefore coastal villages are vulnerable to security disturbances, both politically and economically. Politically, coastal villages, especially on small border islands, are very vulnerable to the influx of foreign influences that can affect nationalism. The case in Miangas, illustrates the influence of culture and the spirit of Filipino nationality has begun to occur. Economically, disruption is seen in various illegal activities both in mining, fisheries and trade
In coastal areas in Indonesia can be divided into two types of ecosystems, namely the coast submerged in water both periodically and permanently and the coast is not submerged by water. The waterlogged coast can be divided into brackish forests, salt marsh vegetation, brackish water swamp forests, and peat swamp forests. The non submerged coast covers the area with the formation of Pescarpae and Baringtonia plants and coastal land (Anonim 1983 & 1987). Coastal areas that are not submerged in water except in the shore zone are shallow sand beaches and rock beaches.j
When viewed from coastal areas in Indonesia, seen from the type of ecosystem described above, there are many activity programs that can be developed in the development of villages located in coastal areas and outermost islands of the Indonesian territory as maritime villages. Programs and activities that can carried out for the development of the village village as follows;
a)      Coastal Village development of mangrove forests as a place for marine wealth
b)      Development of a management system for seawater distillation as drinking water to provide access to drinking water services through the provision of sea water distillation facilities as a source of drinking water
c)      Development of coastal ponds as a place for the manufacture of community salt that provides economic value and income for the people of the coastal village of Pesisir by utilizing sea water as raw material
d)      Village Tourism or Village Coastal Fishermen as Maritime Tourism Village which aims to increase the power of local and foreign tourist dance to tourist attractions of fishing villages as villages or villages of the Maritime
The success of the development of the Maritime Village model in the coastal areas and outermost islands is inseparable from the willingness of the regional government to identify and map potential potential that should be developed as regional access. The way and model of development for the sustainability of the program or activity is inseparable from a sense of belonging and responsibility that there are still many areas and the outermost islands that still need to be addressed so that the access to mobilization and the economy of the region will increase
                                                    IV.            Conclusion
Sustainability and success of the independence of the village located in the coastal area is;
a)      Each idea of developing independence from the maritime village model The existence of respitiity and sense of belonging of the central government and followed up by the local government to carry out the movement of maritime village development in coastal areas involving cross-sectors
b)      participation and support of the village community to carry out coastal village development activities to build independence by awareness of behavioral changes to see mangrove forest as a potential that must be preserved and the sustainability of its ecosystem
the development of a maritime village model on the coastal and outermost islands lies between the role of the central government, regional and village governments

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